The Heathrow Women’s Club, Inc. (HWC) was established in 1987 to help bond a new community. Each May, Heathrow Women’s Club, Inc. and Heathrow Women's Club Charities, Inc., donate thousands of dollars from their fundraising efforts to charities in Seminole County that support women and children. The charities currently supported are:

  • Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida West Sanford Branch

  • SafeHouse of Seminole

  • Seminole County Friends of Abused Children

After a year of involvement, diligence, and much work, we have the opportunity to hear how our efforts make a difference when the recipients of our donations express their gratitude and appreciation and tell us how we have touched their lives. This is the day we all work for – the day we give to those less fortunate – to help people in our community improve the quality of their lives.

Along the way, we have an opportunity to work and become friends with women who are successful in all ways – from executives to homemakers. There are many opportunities for involvement, leadership, and growth. In addition, the Social Committee plans and hosts various activities such as couples social group dinners, outings, bridge, canasta, book clubs, and more. All projects, both social and charitable require support and involvement by HWC members, so we encourage all members to become active, play a part and reap the benefits of meeting many wonderful people while you help those in need as well. We welcome women of all ages and you do not have to be a Heathrow resident or a Heathrow Country Club member to join.


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Heathrow Women’s Club & Heathrow Women’s Club Charities dues are $125 annually. The club's fiscal year runs from June 1 to May 31. MEMBERSHIP IS NON-TRANSFERABLE AND DUES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE

Ways to pay dues for the 2024/2025 club year:

By two separate checks payable as follows:

• $50 payable to Heathrow Women’s Club

• $75 payable to Heathrow Women’s Club Charities, Inc. (this portion of your dues is a direct contribution to the 501(C)(3) and may be tax-deductible.)

By Zelle Payment:

• $50 to treasurer@heathrowwomensclub.org

• $75 to treasurerHWCC@heathrowwomensclub.org (this portion of your dues is a direct contribution to our 501(C)(3) and it may be tax-deductible.)

Credit card payments will not be accepted for membership.

Please mail checks and all applications to the Membership & Hospitality Chair:

Rita Vetter | 1659 Cherry Blossom Terrace | Heathrow, FL 32746

The Club’s success is dependent upon members actively participating. By submitting your membership application, you are agreeing to become an active member, which includes participating in club activities, committees, and fundraising, and you agree to adhere to the Code of Conduct.


Meetings are held at the Heathrow Country Club on the second Tuesday of each month (September through May). The format is as follows:
    11:00 am Registration
    11:30 am Business Meeting
    12:00 noon Lunch
    12:30 pm Program ( typically educational and/or entertaining and usually ends at 1:30 pm)

The Heathrow Women’s Club, Inc. strives to present programs that are informative, entertaining, and inspiring. The cost of the monthly luncheon is $30 and advance reservations are required. Members may make their reservations online or may choose to be called by a telephone committee member. Reservations must be made by the Wednesday prior to the Tuesday of the meeting (second Tuesday of the month).


Anyone canceling a reservation must do so one (1) week prior to the meeting date by emailing the Technical Services Chair, Cynthia Lebowitz at technicalservices@heathrowwomensclub.org.  If the reservation is not canceled by that date and you are unable to attend, you will be billed the full cost of the luncheon. In addition, you MUST have a reservation to attend.


To be included in the member directory, payment for renewal of membership is due by July 15th for the upcoming year. Although club meetings and luncheons do not resume until September, many committees meet over the summer.

Heathrow Women's Club Directory

All members will receive a Heathrow Women's Club, Inc. Directory that includes contact information. The information contained in this directory is to be used for the sole purpose of the Heathrow Women’s Club business. No member shall be allowed to use these names to solicit business, personal charities, political causes or make other announcements unrelated to Club business.