Committee Descriptions 

The Club’s success is largely dependent upon the member’s understanding, support and participation in committee activities and fundraising events. All members are encouraged to serve on at least one committee. Following is a brief review of our committees and their primary functions. For more information email


Charitable Endeavors: The Committee distributes funds raised by the Ways & Means Committee to selected charities. Members are encouraged to participate in various activities sponsored by the charities and as well as to support their fundraising efforts. Send inquiries to

Finance: Members will be asked to occasionally staff the registration table at the Heathrow Women’s Club Luncheon. Send inquiries to

Focus: The Focus committee works at the behest if the Board. It’s main focus is to assure that our by-laws and Policies and Procedures reflect the way we do business in the club and are followed as outlined. The committee also is responsible for conducting our annual satisfaction survey as well as keeping updated records of job descriptions for the Executive Board and Standing Committee Chairs. Also maintains the club archives. Send inquiries to

Hospitality/ Membership: This committee is made up of members who are familiar with the goals and  ideals of the HWC. These members interact on a one-to-one basis with new members to welcome and familiarize them with club activities. This  interaction can include, but is not limited to, bringing new members to meetings, sitting with new members at the luncheon and introducing them to other members who may have similar interests. This committee also hosts two “new member get-togethers” a year. (Must be a member for at least 1 year).  Send inquiries to

Programs: This committee is responsible for  developing program ideas and securing  speakers as well as developing the menus with the country club for our monthly luncheon meetings. Since programs and speakers must be finalized during the summer months, the committee will begin meeting prior to thee end of the previous fiscal year. Send inquiries to

Public Relations: This committee is in charge of promoting the club’s activities via community based electronic signage and print materials. This includes writing and sending press releases and photographing club events. Other tasks that fall under Public Relations include but are not limited to: writing articles for the Heathrow Living Magazine and member Spotlight articles. Send inquiries to

Social: The committee organizes social activities and events for HWC members and when appropriate for their adult guests as well. Some activities include: Bridge, Bunco, Dine Around, Book Club, Progressive Dinner, Happy Hour Social and much, much more. Send inquiries to

Technical Services: Technical Services is responsible for maintaining the HWC website and other online tools. This committee will assist the editor of our monthly club newsletter with distributing The Newz to our membership. This committee assists the President with online member surveys. Members may serve as ambassadors or liaisons with the local Chamber of Commerce. Send inquiries to

Ways & Means: The Committee is responsible for coordinating the fundraising efforts of the Heathrow Women’s Club and Heathrow Women’s Club Charities. Members can participate in a variety of activities throughout the year; i.e. Yard Sale, Bake Sale, Purse Auction, Annual Gala and more. Send inquiries to